Friday, July 9, 2010

Andre Knight on the Murders in Rocky Mount

First off this is very inappropriate to give this interview in a car. But that doesn't surprise me when he is representing a district that he doesn't even live in.

Several black women all of whom suffered from drug addiction and prostitution have been killed in Rocky Mount North Carolina over the past few years. Andre Knight, who sits on the Rocky Mount City Council and President of the local NAACP has been the most vocal in seeking attention to these murders. Is this the work of one person? Knight weighs in also on the National Media attention these murders have spurred

Who claims everything is about race in Rocky Mount

What NC DOT wants to do to Winstead Ave.

This project if approved would cause months of delays and traffic jams.

Sidewalk Danger downtown on Sunset.

Remember this building where the city said that the building facade was about to fall on the street below. So the city had the facade removed that is what the building look like now. I wasn't there the day they tore the face of this building off. In the process of protecting the citizens from falling brick the heavy equipment that was used tore up the side walk (see the pic below). This huge crack in the sidewalk is a bigger damage to the citizens now. What if the v-shape caution sign gets removed one night and someone walking along steps in this crack, who would be at fault, the city would that's who.

The city need to fix this situation ASAP this is now a bigger hazard then the facade was of building ever was.
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Saturday, July 3, 2010

Gospel street fair

On Howard st
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What's missing from this park?

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Friday, July 2, 2010

Work Progress on a Douglas Block Building

This shot the building has a tree growing out of it.
The tree has been remove and there was some damage.
Douglas Block
The Damage area reframed and fill in with bricks from the site of the older building. Glad to see some older bricks are being reused in this project
Working on the face of the building

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Beer sales at event

Ok so for the downtown live event you can drink almost all you want, however you can't drink it out of the. They want you to use plastic cups creating more waste. Cans are 100% recyclable why most plastic cups aren't. This event is not earth friendly I can only guess the city hasn't gone green yet. What a shame
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The beer station

Seen to the money maker at downtown live
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More and more

People still pouring in to the city sponsored Downtown live event here at the Imperial Center.
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Downtown Live

Today's downtown live attendance was larger then the last. Families flock to this free event to socialize and relax.

However the selling of beer is still wrong for this type if venue.
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Which one applies

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This could be

This is a great place to open a coffee sober cafe. Close to the local community college
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The future that could be

I believe the old US Post Office would make a great community Center instead of a office building.
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