Friday, April 25, 2014

Special Session on the Event Center

Event Center Public Forum April 21, 2014 - Video on WHIG-TV - The video begins with the presentation by the city and consultants and public comment begins at the 1:11:00 portion.

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Location, Location, Location

They always said location matter when you are building real estate, is this true? In case of the Event Center where is the location downtown for this money pit? Monday evening at 6:00PM - the Rocky Mount-Government Offices will have a Public Presentation and Public Comments gathering at the City Council Chambers of the City Hall Building.

however another citizen has voice there concerns.

from Speak up,

I have attended several meetings regarding funding for the event center and they keep saying the location will be downtown.

Where downtown?

At none of these meetings have we been told where which raises the question if the don’t know where then that means they must not have purchased any land.

How much is the land going to cost for building the event center with a sufficient size parking lot?

Is the event center going to be located right downtown so that people could exit the center and walk downtown to where all the money was invested for streetscape?

If the event center is not going to be located downtown so that people can walk there then I don’t see how the event center is going to help all of the effort that was put into streetscape and trying to revitalize downtown.

My concern right now before I can throw any support behind funding for the building is to know the location and what it is going to cost the city to get the land.

When is the city council going to give us information on that part of this investment in our community?

Does this person have a valid point, yes they do. Will they Buy the land at current market prices or will they take the land via Eminent Domain?

The word on the Street is,

The word on the street is the location is the current location of the old RM Wilson School building and Gym, currently a senior housing center on Marigold Street and Hill Street.


If this the location, that means they would have to tear down an senior citizen housing center? Would the Council will make like older for these seniors, yes they would..

another comment,

It is very unlikely that a special hearing, other than those required by law, would be held if it weren't for public pressure. I commend all those speaking out against such issues. Now it's time to pressure the City Council to put the issue to a referendum. Let the people decide! After all, it's our money they will be taking to spend on this perpetual expense. Some people seem to forget that the City Council has rammed things down our unwilling throats before with "for show" public hearings. Glad to see the Community Council getting some credit but let's not forget that there are a great number of individuals who share a strong opposition to this endeavor.

side note, the area around the Post Office, the city have been taken land in that area for sometime now.. via liens from having homes torn down.. just check the records at the city code enforcement office…

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Public Meeting to Discuss Proposed Event Center


The City of Rocky Mount will host a public meeting on the proposed Downtown Event Center.The meeting, scheduled for Mon., April 21, 2014 at 6 p.m., will include a formal presentation on the Event Center and information on potential funding scenarios.

"Representatives from Davenport & Co., the City's financial advisor, and AECOM, the company hired to perform the market feasibility study, will be on hand to provide information and answer questions regarding the proposed Event Center," says David Combs, Rocky Mount mayor. Davenport & Co. determined four possible funding options for an Event Center.

Bridget Chisholm, a principal with the firm Building Wealth & Communities, will provide details on one possible funding source, new market tax credits.

During the forum, attendees may ask questions and offer comments.

The public meeting will be held in the George P. Dudley City Council Chamber, located on the third floor of the Frederick E. Turnage Municipal Building

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

More Homes approve by the City Council to be Torn down.

a. 903 Clark Street
b. 917 Branch Street
c. 925 Branch Street
d. 714 Pender Street
e. 712 Henna Street
f. 517 E. Holly Street
g. 921 Shearin Street
h. 412 Albemarle Avenue
i. 418 Albemarle Avenue
j. 911 E. Raleigh Boulevard
k. 1422 Davis Street
l. 917 Peter Street*
m. 921 Peter Street*
n. 928 Lindsey Street
o. 934 Lindsey Street
p. 950 Lindsey Street
q. 839 Star Street
r. 835 Gay Street
s. 300 Union Street
Recommended Action: Adopt Ordinance.
*Action Deferred until April 28, 2014 Council Meeting as to l) 917 Peter Street and m) 921 Peter Street

This the first step for the city to seize more land within the city limits of Rocky Mount. Yes most of these structures need to be torn down, but the city is doing the tearing down, then they will bill the owners, and if the owners don’t pay up the city takes them.  

Now it costs the city about 5k per house, maybe more, maybe less, but lets use 5k for each house. so in this session the cost would be about $95,000 dollars.. they do this on the average of three time a year.. so the city spends about half of million dollars each year to have home torn down and the property clean afterward, they the city maintain this properties too, i.e. grass cutting.

My question is how much does the city make back by selling these properties after they take them for non-payment via liens and seizers?   

See map of the homes that are on the list to be torn down,


Friday, April 11, 2014

Rocky Mount PFlag hold meeting

Meeting: PFLAG (Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays) will meet at 6 p.m. Tuesday the 15th at the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship Building, 516 N. Church St. For information, email or go to

Sent from my iPhone

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

ICYMI: Concealed Carry Class

NC Concealed Carry Class April 19th in Rocky Mount, NC. More info at

Problems at Hospira in Rocky Mount

Rocky Mount Stupidest Criminals on Twitter

A positive Article on Rocky Mount, NC

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Citizens inside Rocky Mount city limit we be tax for a non service.. in Nash County.

“Nash County commissioners voted unanimously Monday to direct staff to include a new $25 per year convenience center fee for households in incorporated areas of the county in the budget recommendation for next fiscal year.”

If this is enacted residents in a Nash County Municipalities, such as Rocky Mount that already receive trash and recycling service, will be assessed a new $25 annual fee in their property tax bill.  In many cases residents will be paying for services never used.  In addition to the new fee, County and Unincorporated Municipalities will experience a $4.00 increase.  For information on fees click here and click here for the Nash County FAQ.

so the folks on the Nash Side of Rocky Mount, will be charged 25 dollars for a service provide by the City of Rocky Mount.. We will pay for a service that we will never use or be allow to use.. Cause we live in city limit of Rocky Mount, which provide those service and we are charge for each month.

NC Central Football team to hold Scrimmage in Rocky Mount NC

This Date is a make up date,

NC Central Scrimmage will be held on the 5th of April at the Rocky Mount High School, in Rocky Mount NC, time 12:30 p.m. Admission is free..

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Downtown Live Event, Free or a Rip-off

from the Discover Downtown Event Series on Facebook,

Is it possible that Downtown Live! is only a little over a month away! I don't know about y'all, but it won't be long before we are hearing great music and watching lots of line dancing. Below is the info and schedule, just in case you missed it before!

Concerts start at 6:00 pm and end around 8:30 pm. Bring your lawn chair or blanket to the lawn of the Imperial Centre at 270 Gay Street. Concessions will be available for purchase. No coolers, please.

May 15 – Band Of Oz
May 29 – Jim Quick & Coastline
June 12 - The Voltage Brothers
June 26 - Fantastic Shakers
July 10 - The Legacy Motown Revue
July 24 - Fantasy
August 7 -
Hip Pocket
August 21 - The Tams
September 4 -
Liquid Pleasure
September 18 - The Embers

It is going to be a great summer to be in Downtown Rocky Mount!

So, you can go to a free event paid for, via your tax dollars, but they don’t want you to bring your own drinks or food.. Yes, they want you to buy over price junk food, drinks and if you are legal age, beer. I know the last time I went to one you had two vendors, the Boy Scout selling Pizza by the slice via (I think) pizza hut, and church group.. I don’t remember what group was selling the alcohol..

What happens if you do bring a cooler?? Will the local Thugs in RMPD uniforms force you to leave. MMM it makes one think doesn’t it..

Mayo Boddie Sr. On the Event Center

Boddie pens a letter to the editor of Rocky Mount Telegram, Click here to see it.

Boddie is correct in his assessment of what has happen in Rocky Mount. A city Council were they only see White vs. Black.. They don’t see the City as a whole..

It is pretty evident at this time that the proposed event center is the city’s No. 1 priority, which is creating a lot of division. The direction and success of this city is governed by the mayor, city manager and City Council, and it is also pretty evident we are not headed in the right direction. Was there any consideration given to other locations for the event center?

close remake, makes one think.

Remember when Rocky Mount was named an All-America city in 1970 and then again in 1999. What happened? In those years, the city was unified.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Event Center Public Meeting

Proposed Event Center Public Meeting Monday, April 21st at 6:00PM - Announced today by City of Rocky Mount Mayor David Combs at The Rocky Mount Area Chamber of Commerce Economic Summit.