Sunday, April 20, 2014

Location, Location, Location

They always said location matter when you are building real estate, is this true? In case of the Event Center where is the location downtown for this money pit? Monday evening at 6:00PM - the Rocky Mount-Government Offices will have a Public Presentation and Public Comments gathering at the City Council Chambers of the City Hall Building.

however another citizen has voice there concerns.

from Speak up,

I have attended several meetings regarding funding for the event center and they keep saying the location will be downtown.

Where downtown?

At none of these meetings have we been told where which raises the question if the don’t know where then that means they must not have purchased any land.

How much is the land going to cost for building the event center with a sufficient size parking lot?

Is the event center going to be located right downtown so that people could exit the center and walk downtown to where all the money was invested for streetscape?

If the event center is not going to be located downtown so that people can walk there then I don’t see how the event center is going to help all of the effort that was put into streetscape and trying to revitalize downtown.

My concern right now before I can throw any support behind funding for the building is to know the location and what it is going to cost the city to get the land.

When is the city council going to give us information on that part of this investment in our community?

Does this person have a valid point, yes they do. Will they Buy the land at current market prices or will they take the land via Eminent Domain?

The word on the Street is,

The word on the street is the location is the current location of the old RM Wilson School building and Gym, currently a senior housing center on Marigold Street and Hill Street.


If this the location, that means they would have to tear down an senior citizen housing center? Would the Council will make like older for these seniors, yes they would..

another comment,

It is very unlikely that a special hearing, other than those required by law, would be held if it weren't for public pressure. I commend all those speaking out against such issues. Now it's time to pressure the City Council to put the issue to a referendum. Let the people decide! After all, it's our money they will be taking to spend on this perpetual expense. Some people seem to forget that the City Council has rammed things down our unwilling throats before with "for show" public hearings. Glad to see the Community Council getting some credit but let's not forget that there are a great number of individuals who share a strong opposition to this endeavor.

side note, the area around the Post Office, the city have been taken land in that area for sometime now.. via liens from having homes torn down.. just check the records at the city code enforcement office…

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