Friday, April 29, 2011

The Douglas Block Project, is it worth the Money?

The Douglas Block is a public-private redevelopment project that will result in a thriving commercial center in Downtown Rocky Mount. Phase One of the Douglas Block calls for the renovation of six historically significant buildings, all of which comprised the African American business district of the downtown area in the early to mid-1900’s. The $8 million effort to redevelop this site has been financed by a combination of historic tax credits, new market tax credits, a Section 108 HUD Loan, and public investment. This special financing structure allows for unique and remarkable opportunities for locating your business at the Douglas Block.

Today was the so-called grand opening of this Block Happen. There was nice crowd of folks at this event.

Which by the way is noway finish at all. Yes, Most of the buildings are done and sidewalk is down, however No lamp posts are in yet, The road in front on of the Main Douglas Block Building isn't yet finish at all.  Landscaping is a joke, unless you truly love pine straw.

One of the Building have a large facade area damage, which I guess happen during the brick laying for the sidewalks, which is excellently done. So far the sidewalk are the best part of this Project..

Enjoy the Slide show...

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