Monday, February 13, 2012

Mayor David W.Combs to issue State of the City Address.

For Immediate Release

February 8, 2012

Media contact: Kim Weaver,interim Public Affairs Manager



Mayor David W. Combs will address the community and City Council regarding the State of the City prior to the City Council Meeting on Monday, February 12, 2012. Mayor Combs will assess the challenges and opportunities of 2011, and how the City responded to them.

Hurricane Irene, the local economy, and public safety issues top the challenges of the year 2011. However, the city excelled in the vast improvements downtown including the Douglas Block Revitalization, the Downtown Streetscape, and WI-FI in downtown City venues. The City began an EnergyShare opportunity for the citizens of Rocky Mount. This program will continue into 2012 to provide rebates for attic insulation and/or HVAC replacement.

The mayor will also discuss the exciting Twin Counties Visioning and Strategic Plan Project and how it will open up new opportunities for the City.

The Mayor anticipates making the State of the City an annual event. The community is encouraged to attend. All are welcome to the George W.Dudley City Council Chamber at 7 pm to hear the Mayor’s comments.

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