Sunday, February 9, 2014

Rumors has it that Andre Knight might profit from the Event Center.

in a comment left on a story on Dailyhaymaker, a commenter levy the following,

Andre Knight continues use racist tactics to intimidate anyone who opposes him much the same way Barber does. Rumors are that Knight and a partner are buying up properties where the proposed “event center” will be built. He also does not live in the ward that he represents. This was brought to light a few years ago and even though it was proven that he did not live in his “bachelor pad” nothing was ever done to remove him. He and his cronies are the main reason Rocky Mount will never recover and grow no matter how much money they throw away down town. Who wants to go any where down there if you have to fear for your life every time you get out of your car.

If this is true then there is clear conflict of interest here.

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