Sunday, February 9, 2014

Where is the Event Center to be Built?

In the city's proposal, they stated the surveyor noted 5 places where the event center could be built, but gave US no indication of what area.

A small community is searching these locations out, they think they might have found three location so far.

North_Church_Street,_Rocky_Mount,_NC_-_Google_Maps_-_2014-02-09_17.17.33First one is North Church Street, Rocky Mount, NC, right beside the New Sport Center, (aka the old airport) this would make a great fit..



800_East_Virginia_Avenue,_Rocky_Mount,_NC_-_Google_Maps_-_2014-02-09_17.15.56Second one is at 800 East Virginia Avenue, Rocky Mount, NC, now this one is problematic since this a park with a King Memorial in the center of it.



English_Road,_Rocky_Mount,_NC_-_Google_Maps_-_2014-02-09_17.13.34Third is English Road, Rocky Mount, NC right across Nash General Hospital off of Winstead Ave. which was recently widen by NCDOT.



Do you know of two more location??

35.943522,-77.789449_-_Google_Maps_-_2014-02-09_17.33.45I know of one..  this is right next-door to the recently public-private redevelopment project area known as the Douglas Block..



35.943522,-77.789449_-_Google_Maps_-_2014-02-09_17.36.52Could this be the future home of the Event Center??

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