Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Andre Knight a racist? maybe

From the Telegram,

I am calling to make people aware that Andre Knight recently outdid himself recently at the Nash-Rocky Mount School Board meeting.

He was standing up in the middle of the meeting and singing “We Shall Overcome.”

I hope someone was there from the newspaper.

Can we find out what the root of his problems are?

but its the comments, that are interesting.

First off Andre used claims of racist, to get his seat on the Council, He only owns the house in the district that he represent, he didn’t live there at the time..

now the comments,

“he is one for the leading racist in Rocky Mount. Everything about him has to tie into racism.

Now this one I like,

Narcissistic Personality Disorder is a good overall diagnosis for this racist clown.

Specifically, Andre could likely be classified as a "Fanatic narcissist":

"An individual whose self-esteem was severely arrested during childhood, who usually displays major paranoid tendencies, and who holds on to an illusion of omnipotence. These people are fighting delusions of insignificance and lost value, and trying to re-establish their self-esteem through grandiose fantasies and self-reinforcement. When unable to gain recognition or support from others, they take on the role of a heroic or worshipped person with a grandiose mission."

It’s time for him to go..

Monday, August 4, 2014

City code people

I see the city code enforcement people are out and about in Edgecombe side. Looking to make some money for the city

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Rocky Mount Post Office to close


USPS To Close Local Processing Plant, Will Save $6 Million: Postal workers at the Rocky Mount Processing and D... bit.ly/1rUZnas

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Sunday, June 15, 2014

Rocky Mount PFlag to hold meeting with Jen Jones of Equality NC

PFLAG Rocky Mount meets Tuesday, June 17, 6 p.m., at the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship Building, 516 North Church Street, Rocky Mount. Jen Jones, Communications Director for Equality NC, will be with us for an update on happenings in our state and plans for the months ahead.

Sunday, June 8, 2014

RMT PFlag monthly meeting June 17

Meeting: PFLAG (Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays) will meet at 6 p.m. June 17 at the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship Building, 516 N. Church St. For information, email pflagrm@aol.com or go to pflag.org

Monday, June 2, 2014

Lawn Chair Theatre

City of Rocky Mount (@citybeattweet)
Family fun is on the way with Rocky Mount's Lawn Chair Theatre, this Fri., June 6 on the lawn of the Imperial... http://t.co/NYTrzirBJn

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Monday, May 19, 2014

Reader wonders where Rocky Mount places in the 50 safest cities list. Really

From the Speak Up,

I read with interest the news article on the safest cities in North Carolina and noted the paper featured only Nashville and Tarboro.

Rocky Mount was quite obvious in the omission from the article. I wish the paper would publish what Rocky Mount’s standing is in comparison with the others.

Editor’s note: The list of North Carolina’s Safest 50 cities was put together by a company called SafeWise. Rocky Mount did not make the list.

Ok, don’t know who called this speak up in, but they need to take off their rose color glasses and smell the roses.. Rocky Mount isn’t as safe as it once was. Anyone who lives in or around the area knows this..

We (city of Rocky Mount) was listed in the top Five Worst Crime cities in the U.S. Crime is every where in our city, and the RMPD aren’t doing enough to stop. The only crime they are really working on, are those that they can get Federal money to fight, i.e. drugs..

Where else in NC can you watch people with shopping carts push 1.5 tons ac units, sinks, Copper wiring, pipes and fireplace mantel down the road and not be stop by the cops.. I’m sure as shit; knows that, they aren’t buying these items at the local Piggy Wiggly..

Monday, May 12, 2014

Event Center Vote could happen tonight

Rocky Mount Telegram (@telegramreports)
Could City Council take a vote on event center tonight? Make sure to check our website for updates on meeting. http://t.co/qTvbH8U8AW

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City Council Meeting Tonight

City of Rocky Mount (@citybeattweet)
A City Council meeting will take place today, 7 p.m., in the third floor George W. Dudley City Council Chamber of... http://t.co/uRPAU4sDic

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Council to discuss event center funding

While an official decision on the proposed event center has not been scheduled, Rocky Mount City Council could vote Monday to move forward with plans for funding the more than $42 million project.

“I made a motion that was seconded in the past that we empower city staff to pursue funding for the event center with the latest New Market Tax Credits and EB-5 funding, so I expect that action along with discussion will take place at the meeting,” Councilman Reuben Blackwell said. “I certainly hope that the majority of the council feels this project is sound enough and fiscally feasible to begin to look seriously at our funding options for it.” (Source: Read more)

Saturday, May 10, 2014

City Code : Weeds, ok for us but not you.

Grass or weeds that are eighteen (18) inches or more in height and are within 150 feet of an inhabited resident, place of business, or any other establishment is considered a public health nuisance. Owners of properties in violation are given seven days to abate this nuisance or the City will do so and bill the owner.

Now if this is your property you would get a nice little notice where if cut within five to ten day they will do it for you, min 50 bucks to?? Yet, the weeds at the local city parks can grow out of control and all they city park workers cut is the along the sidewalk area.


All this after they spent all the time and money to clean out the park, so people couldn’t hide and have some adult fun.. DSC_4468

it seem they only have time to cut the grass near the sidewalks.. (notice if this was Sunset or City Lake it would have been correctly)

Bench at Battle Park

Why does the city park department lets park benches get in this state?

Friday, May 9, 2014

Interesting Letter to the Editor of Rocky Mount Telegram

See the letter here,

Whether it’s in Nash or Edgecombe County, it is not feasible to do this. And, speaking of location, why is this such a big secret? What is the City Council not telling us? Is someone benefiting from the sale of land for this event center on the City Council?

City Moving Forward on the Event Center..

This Monday! May 12, 2014 @ 7:00PM Rocky Mount City Council Meeting.

Consideration of Authorizing the City Manager to Move Forward with Securing Funds (including, but not limited to EB-5 and New Market Tax Credits) for the Funding of a Downtown Event Center.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Friday, April 25, 2014

Special Session on the Event Center

Event Center Public Forum April 21, 2014 - Video on WHIG-TV - The video begins with the presentation by the city and consultants and public comment begins at the 1:11:00 portion.

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Location, Location, Location

They always said location matter when you are building real estate, is this true? In case of the Event Center where is the location downtown for this money pit? Monday evening at 6:00PM - the Rocky Mount-Government Offices will have a Public Presentation and Public Comments gathering at the City Council Chambers of the City Hall Building.

however another citizen has voice there concerns.

from Speak up,

I have attended several meetings regarding funding for the event center and they keep saying the location will be downtown.

Where downtown?

At none of these meetings have we been told where which raises the question if the don’t know where then that means they must not have purchased any land.

How much is the land going to cost for building the event center with a sufficient size parking lot?

Is the event center going to be located right downtown so that people could exit the center and walk downtown to where all the money was invested for streetscape?

If the event center is not going to be located downtown so that people can walk there then I don’t see how the event center is going to help all of the effort that was put into streetscape and trying to revitalize downtown.

My concern right now before I can throw any support behind funding for the building is to know the location and what it is going to cost the city to get the land.

When is the city council going to give us information on that part of this investment in our community?

Does this person have a valid point, yes they do. Will they Buy the land at current market prices or will they take the land via Eminent Domain?

The word on the Street is,

The word on the street is the location is the current location of the old RM Wilson School building and Gym, currently a senior housing center on Marigold Street and Hill Street.


If this the location, that means they would have to tear down an senior citizen housing center? Would the Council will make like older for these seniors, yes they would..

another comment,

It is very unlikely that a special hearing, other than those required by law, would be held if it weren't for public pressure. I commend all those speaking out against such issues. Now it's time to pressure the City Council to put the issue to a referendum. Let the people decide! After all, it's our money they will be taking to spend on this perpetual expense. Some people seem to forget that the City Council has rammed things down our unwilling throats before with "for show" public hearings. Glad to see the Community Council getting some credit but let's not forget that there are a great number of individuals who share a strong opposition to this endeavor.

side note, the area around the Post Office, the city have been taken land in that area for sometime now.. via liens from having homes torn down.. just check the records at the city code enforcement office…

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Public Meeting to Discuss Proposed Event Center


The City of Rocky Mount will host a public meeting on the proposed Downtown Event Center.The meeting, scheduled for Mon., April 21, 2014 at 6 p.m., will include a formal presentation on the Event Center and information on potential funding scenarios.

"Representatives from Davenport & Co., the City's financial advisor, and AECOM, the company hired to perform the market feasibility study, will be on hand to provide information and answer questions regarding the proposed Event Center," says David Combs, Rocky Mount mayor. Davenport & Co. determined four possible funding options for an Event Center.

Bridget Chisholm, a principal with the firm Building Wealth & Communities, will provide details on one possible funding source, new market tax credits.

During the forum, attendees may ask questions and offer comments.

The public meeting will be held in the George P. Dudley City Council Chamber, located on the third floor of the Frederick E. Turnage Municipal Building

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

More Homes approve by the City Council to be Torn down.

a. 903 Clark Street
b. 917 Branch Street
c. 925 Branch Street
d. 714 Pender Street
e. 712 Henna Street
f. 517 E. Holly Street
g. 921 Shearin Street
h. 412 Albemarle Avenue
i. 418 Albemarle Avenue
j. 911 E. Raleigh Boulevard
k. 1422 Davis Street
l. 917 Peter Street*
m. 921 Peter Street*
n. 928 Lindsey Street
o. 934 Lindsey Street
p. 950 Lindsey Street
q. 839 Star Street
r. 835 Gay Street
s. 300 Union Street
Recommended Action: Adopt Ordinance.
*Action Deferred until April 28, 2014 Council Meeting as to l) 917 Peter Street and m) 921 Peter Street

This the first step for the city to seize more land within the city limits of Rocky Mount. Yes most of these structures need to be torn down, but the city is doing the tearing down, then they will bill the owners, and if the owners don’t pay up the city takes them.  

Now it costs the city about 5k per house, maybe more, maybe less, but lets use 5k for each house. so in this session the cost would be about $95,000 dollars.. they do this on the average of three time a year.. so the city spends about half of million dollars each year to have home torn down and the property clean afterward, they the city maintain this properties too, i.e. grass cutting.

My question is how much does the city make back by selling these properties after they take them for non-payment via liens and seizers?   

See map of the homes that are on the list to be torn down,


Friday, April 11, 2014

Rocky Mount PFlag hold meeting

Meeting: PFLAG (Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays) will meet at 6 p.m. Tuesday the 15th at the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship Building, 516 N. Church St. For information, email pflagrm@aol.com or go to pflag.org

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Wednesday, April 9, 2014

ICYMI: Concealed Carry Class

NC Concealed Carry Class April 19th in Rocky Mount, NC. More info at concealedcarolina.com

Problems at Hospira in Rocky Mount

Rocky Mount Stupidest Criminals on Twitter

A positive Article on Rocky Mount, NC

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Citizens inside Rocky Mount city limit we be tax for a non service.. in Nash County.

“Nash County commissioners voted unanimously Monday to direct staff to include a new $25 per year convenience center fee for households in incorporated areas of the county in the budget recommendation for next fiscal year.” http://www.rockymounttelegram.com/news/nash-board-oks-new-solid-waste-fee-municipal-property-owners-2428043

If this is enacted residents in a Nash County Municipalities, such as Rocky Mount that already receive trash and recycling service, will be assessed a new $25 annual fee in their property tax bill.  In many cases residents will be paying for services never used.  In addition to the new fee, County and Unincorporated Municipalities will experience a $4.00 increase.  For information on fees click here and click here for the Nash County FAQ.

so the folks on the Nash Side of Rocky Mount, will be charged 25 dollars for a service provide by the City of Rocky Mount.. We will pay for a service that we will never use or be allow to use.. Cause we live in city limit of Rocky Mount, which provide those service and we are charge for each month.

NC Central Football team to hold Scrimmage in Rocky Mount NC

This Date is a make up date,

NC Central Scrimmage will be held on the 5th of April at the Rocky Mount High School, in Rocky Mount NC, time 12:30 p.m. Admission is free..

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Downtown Live Event, Free or a Rip-off

from the Discover Downtown Event Series on Facebook,

Is it possible that Downtown Live! is only a little over a month away! I don't know about y'all, but it won't be long before we are hearing great music and watching lots of line dancing. Below is the info and schedule, just in case you missed it before!

Concerts start at 6:00 pm and end around 8:30 pm. Bring your lawn chair or blanket to the lawn of the Imperial Centre at 270 Gay Street. Concessions will be available for purchase. No coolers, please.

May 15 – Band Of Oz
May 29 – Jim Quick & Coastline
June 12 - The Voltage Brothers
June 26 - Fantastic Shakers
July 10 - The Legacy Motown Revue
July 24 - Fantasy
August 7 -
Hip Pocket
August 21 - The Tams
September 4 -
Liquid Pleasure
September 18 - The Embers

It is going to be a great summer to be in Downtown Rocky Mount!

So, you can go to a free event paid for, via your tax dollars, but they don’t want you to bring your own drinks or food.. Yes, they want you to buy over price junk food, drinks and if you are legal age, beer. I know the last time I went to one you had two vendors, the Boy Scout selling Pizza by the slice via (I think) pizza hut, and church group.. I don’t remember what group was selling the alcohol..

What happens if you do bring a cooler?? Will the local Thugs in RMPD uniforms force you to leave. MMM it makes one think doesn’t it..

Mayo Boddie Sr. On the Event Center

Boddie pens a letter to the editor of Rocky Mount Telegram, Click here to see it.

Boddie is correct in his assessment of what has happen in Rocky Mount. A city Council were they only see White vs. Black.. They don’t see the City as a whole..

It is pretty evident at this time that the proposed event center is the city’s No. 1 priority, which is creating a lot of division. The direction and success of this city is governed by the mayor, city manager and City Council, and it is also pretty evident we are not headed in the right direction. Was there any consideration given to other locations for the event center?

close remake, makes one think.

Remember when Rocky Mount was named an All-America city in 1970 and then again in 1999. What happened? In those years, the city was unified.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Event Center Public Meeting

Proposed Event Center Public Meeting Monday, April 21st at 6:00PM - Announced today by City of Rocky Mount Mayor David Combs at The Rocky Mount Area Chamber of Commerce Economic Summit.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Rocky Mount NC is number 4 on this list..

These Are America’s 10 Most Dangerous Small Cities

If you’re hoping to escape from big city crime, look elsewhere. These places actually defy the stereotype of smaller cities being safer.

After studying more than 200 small cities, we’ve concluded that Wilmington, DE is the most dangerous in terms of crime. It’s joined in this dubious honor by nine other places to comprise our 10 most dangerous small cities in America:

1. Wilmington, DE
2. Canton, OH
3. Jackson, TN
4. Rocky Mount, NC
5. North Little Rock, AR
6. Pensacola, FL
7. Daytona Beach, FL
8. Homestead, FL
8. Lauderhill, FL
10. Warner Robins, GA

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Rocky Mount needs a seafood restaurant, really one just closed and sold at auction..

Some people just don’t get it, and you can’t fix stupid.

Rocky Mount had a Seafood restaurant, but lack of patronage cause them to close their doors. Also Rocky Mount, need a other restaurant is like saying they need more drug dealers.

From speak up,

I would like to make a suggestion.

Someone should open a seafood restaurant in the Madison Seafood building and call it Stony Creek Seafood and Oyster Bar.

Rocky Mount needs another seafood restaurant.

That is a great place to have a new seafood restaurant because the building has everything already there.

So they hope if they reopen it, people will come.. if people came the first time it would still be open today..

Event Center Cost on the Rise, before anything is approved.

The estimated price tag for a downtown event center has increased by $4.8 million over initial estimates in a draft report from the city’s financial adviser to Rocky Mount city staff.

In a prior report, the Chicago-based consulting firm AECOM Technical Services estimated the total costs for a 5,000-seat downtown event center would be $37.2 million.

But in a draft report submitted to city staff on March 12, the city’s financial adviser Davenport & Co. states that another $4.8 million would need to be spent on land, working capital, general contractor fees and contingency and project management costs.

Rocky Mount City Manager Charles Penny met with staff last week to discuss Davenport’s report, which outlined five different possible funding scenarios, including one that involved foreign investment in the project. (Source: Read more)

Monday, March 24, 2014

So RMT Taxpayers are you willing to pay a 15% property tax increase?

Event Center Financing Options - Prepared by Davenport & Co.

Todays Meeting Synopsis:
* Property Tax Increase from 7.5% to 15.5%(Scenario Dependent)
* Decision Sooner than later to Meet September Deadline
* Trust City Council and Staff - Per City Council Comments


Saturday, March 22, 2014

City to Send out Notices to Chronic Grass and Weed Violators..

from the City Email letter,

As part of the City of Rocky Mount's ongoing efforts to abate the public nuisance caused by overgrown grass and weeds, during the week of March 17, 2014, the Public Works and Water Resources Department will mail annual notices to chronic violators of the city's grass & weed ordinance. As defined in the city's ordinances, a chronic violator is any person who owns property whereupon, in the previous calendar year, the city took action at least three times to abate grass/weed violations.  The notice will advise property owners that the City will, without further notice, take action to abate the violation with the cost of such action to be charged to the property owner.

The Community Code Division has identified 550 properties that have met this criteria and where the property owner will receive a chronic violator notice. Grass/weeds in excess of 18 inches constitutes a public nuisance and is detrimental to public health, safety or welfare in that such conditions lead to unsightliness, infestation of rodents, birds, snakes, insects and decrease property values.

Residents or property owners with questions regarding these notices or the City's public health, safety and nuisance ordinances may contact the Community Code Division at 252-467-4952. You may also visit the city's website at www.rockymountnc.gov/publicworks. 

Now the problem is, the city uses this as a get some extra cash for the summertime scheme..

And they don’t measure to see if your weeds are at the 18 inch mark either. Then again the one who are doing the cutting need a horticulture classes. Cause these so-called city workers can’t tell which is which. They will mow down your Fig Trees, iris, lilac bush, tulips, and your tea rose bushes too.. If you are a garden they will cut that down too. They have to protect you from the killer tomatoes.

Which are not weeds are grass.. but these low paying workers just don’t care..

Sunday, March 16, 2014

How will the Event Center be paid for?


City Council meeting March 24

Rocky Mount City Manager, Charles Penny, will present financing options for the proposed Event Center at the 2:00 PM City Council of the Whole Meeting March 24, 2014.

Rocky Mount City Council Committee of the Whole Meeting


The Frederick E. Turnage Municipal Building - Committee Room, 331 S. Franklin St., Rocky Mount, NC 27802


Type of Event
Community / Civic Meeting, Meeting / Conference, Public Meeting / Hearing

Age Range - Audience
All Ages


The Rocky Mount City Council meets for a work session -- "The Committee of the Whole" -- once a month or as needed. These meetings are generally open to the public, unless an agenda item requires that…


Monday, March 24, 2014, 2 – 4pm EDT

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Community Meeting, public safely

Ward Two residents and other Rocky Mount citizens are invited to attend a public meeting on Mon., March 17, 2014 at 6 p.m. in the Bread of Life Christian Church and Community Center.

According to Reuben Blackwell, Rocky Mount City Council member and representative for Ward Two, the event will include a focus on three areas important for all Rocky Mount citizens: Public safety, Downtown development and current negotiations between Duke Energy and the North Carolina Eastern Municipal Power Agency. “Charles Penny will speak on Downtown development and how it would impact the entire economy, but especially neighborhoods within the City Center. He will also discuss plans for a Downtown Events Center,” says Blackwell. “Chief Moore will discuss crime in Rocky Mount, along with crime prevention and strategies, including how we can all participate in having safe neighborhoods.”

Letters to The Telegram,

James E Williams wrote a letter to the Telegram, claiming the Event Center would make RMT a model City.. I think he’s a bit delusional.

The citizens of Rocky Mount need to know that the leaders of this town have already done their studies and visited others cities that have done related things and are very successful. If Rocky Mount listened to naysayers and their negative comments, we would be living in a ghost town.

The new Southern Bank Business Center coming to downtown Rocky Mount should prove how important revitalization can be to the growth of a city.

Michael T. Bryant, the regional executive for the bank’s western region, which includes Rocky Mount, said “We are proud to make this investment in Rocky Mount – particularly in downtown Rocky Mount. We believe having a vibrant downtown would benefit the entire community and look forward to a shared future of prosperity. Our bank officials are pleased with the direction downtown Rocky Mount is headed, the revitalizing effort, and we desire to give back to that cause.”

If James has lived in RMT, for a lone time.  He should know by now that Banks don’t last long in this City. Also When Roanoke Rapids got their Theater, everyone said the say thing. Back to the Bank building, I still have to wonder how much longer BB&T will allow them to grow, before taking them over.. Also just how many empty bank building are downtown now?

Building Buildings don’t make a city great, it never has and never will. If this was the case our city would be still on the Rise and not a downward spiral.

Currently we can’t even keep the business we have. Golden East mall is almost an empty shell of a business, Home depot is gone, and it $4 million dollar building sold for $1.4 million and will soon be a church, like we really need another on in the city. Longhorn Steak house has closed, and it sit empty. Many more business has close down or move out of the city. Why one ask, high rent, and Utilities bills. That the Wal-mart  Plaza, a unit’s rent is near $3,500/ month add Utilities and other business expenses, one wonder how you can make enough to stay open. Also Ole Navy in the same plaza has recently close too.  Rocky Mount even has lost a few fast food joints.

We don’t need retail, we need industries, and manufacturing businesses, which at one time RMT had. They left mostly due to high utilities.. When they left many jobs left with them. If the City Council was serious about getting Rocky Mount back on the Rise they would seeking these Companies out..

They want to put in a Dog park,

thomp_dog_area_1Yes the City Parks Dept. wants a dog park in Rocky Mount, NC.

Parks and Recreation Director Kelvin Yarrell said he is hoping a large crowd will attend the meeting that will start at 6 p.m. in the council chambers on the third floor of City Hall. The first meeting in February gave a crash course in the development of the park and tonight’s meeting will be a step forward.

Yarrell said people will be selected for the development committee board, members will determine dates for site visits and discuss fundraising options.

As one expects, this decision is drawing a lot of criticism.  

We have senior citizens who cannot buy food and cannot even pay their electric bills. We have kids who are going hungry. We have gangs who are committing crimes and dealing drugs.

We have so many things wrong that we need to work on to make this city better.

Do we really need to spend $50,000 for dogs to have a walkway when we have so many other things wrong in this city?

This person has a very valid point.

The city had parks, where benches and shelters that are falling apart, over ran with trash, walking hazards. In some cases, you can find evidence of people having sex in them. I.e. used condoms everywhere.  Especially Battle Park and the Park on River Side Dr. 

Then again it’s not only the citizens of RMT have sexing in those parks, even the RMPD personal do it too, in the city vehicles.

I can only guess someone connected to someone in the Parks dept., need some extra income.

They just need some fencing, and they can place this park at Battle Park or Sunset Park, just enclose a section of it. No need for a new park. Sunset Park has some fencing already in place just need to add a bit more. Sunset has shelters and benches already. Savings.

I guess the city will also have to flip the bill on a drinking water system too. if this happens will the citizens have to paid for the water usage at the park? Will there be enforcement poop picks up. I guess the fines for failing to scoot your pooch’s poop could help cover the cost of the park. f

However what about the legal issues that comes alone with this type of park. Who is really responsible if a dog at the park attacks someone or another dog?

Saturday, March 8, 2014



Up Coming Events of Interest


Downtown Live Line up for this year.

Parks and Recreation for the City of Rocky Mount has announced the Downtown Live! dates and bands for 2014.
May 15 – Band of Oz
May 29 – Jim Quick & Coastline
June 12 - The Voltage Brothers
June 26 - Fantastic Shakers
July 10 - The Craig Woolard Band
July 24 - Fantasy
August 7 - Hip Pocket
August 21 - The Tams
September 4 - Liquid Pleasure
September 18 - The Embers


Keep up with local events by liking “Discover Downtown Events” on Facebook..

ICYMI: Knight acquitted of charges stemming from legislative protest


Photo credit (http://www.wral.com/news/local/image/1936377/)

Andre Knight was one of many who were arrested during the NAACP Moral Mondays protest that happen in Raleigh. While charges against him were dismiss, which they should be. However some locals Rocky Mount Citizens thinks his actions are unbecoming of a council member and is an embarrassment on the City as a Whole.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

RMT Citizen wants an investigation into the Event Center

It would seem that a local citizen is calling for the Telegram to do a full in-depth investigate in to who owns the property that is being considered for the Event Center.

However, this isn’t new. There are a few groups who are doing that very thing. One group is searching into who on the City Council might own property or  buying property in the said area.

As to date , according to the City Council no location has been picked.

One group think they have found a few areas that the Center could be built, click here to see them. The surveyor stated there was 5 places where this center could be built..

So back to the question at hand who owns the land? Where will it be built?

Friday, February 28, 2014

Another Rocky Mount Citizen speak up about the Event Center

This person hit the nail on the head,

I hate to disappoint you, but many of us naysayers are tired of paying for buildings and other objects in hopes that it will attract businesses and industries.

No buildings are going to help the situation until utilities, crime, taxes and race relations decrease. Why should we pay for something that may take 10 or more years to profit just so we can say we have an event center?

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Come Clean, McCrory! Press Conference & Rally

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

4:45pm until 6:00pm Face book event link here https://www.facebook.com/events/482483245196738/


Toxic coal ash from one of Duke Energy's 32 toxic coal ash lagoons has poisoned the Dan River. Now is the time to finally come clean. Gov. Pat McCrory's administration should stop treating polluters as "partners" and "customers." Duke Energy must clean up the Dan River and all of its toxic coal ash lagoons - at no cost to tax-payers or electricity rate-payers. McCrory must protect our water supplies. And Gov. McCrory must come clean on his own personal financial ties to Duke Energy. Disclose the conflicts of interest. Disclose the value of his Duke Energy company stock. Disclose all information turned over to a federal grand jury, as the U.S. Attorney is now investigating.

Come Clean, McCrory!
Press Conference & Rally
Wednesday, March 5th
4:45 PM to 6:00 PM
Governor's Mansion
200 Blount Street
Raleigh, NC 27601

Wear blue to create a river of accountability in front of the Governor's mansion. Bring your own (respectful) signs or borrow one of ours. Just be there, and bring friends, to let McCrory know: it's time to take responsibility and come clean. The people of North Carolina both deserve and demand it.

Haven't signed the petition yet? You can do so at www.comecleanmccrory.com. Thanks!



- SHARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Authorities are asking the public for help in returning two runaway teens home.

Kaleb Michael Joyner, 17, and Barry Wayne Sutton, 18, were last seen around 11 a.m. Tuesday walking west on U.S. 64 near Interstate 95. A silver alert – usually reserved for missing persons suffering from dementia or some other cognitive impairment – was issued for Joyner.

Joyner was last seen wearing a dark gray denim jacket and black shoes with green trim. He has long dark hair, is 6'2" tall and weighs about 310 pounds.

Sutton, a 5-foot-8 white man who weighs 120 pounds and has blonde hair, was last seen wearing a blue and gray jacket and dark jeans.

Anyone with information on the teens’ whereabouts is asked to contact Crime Stoppers at 977-1111 or crimestoppers@rockymountnc.gov. Text a tip to police at 274637 by beginning messages with RMPOL to direct the tip to the Rocky Mount Police Department and type up to 155 characters about the information

Monday, February 24, 2014

Financing Options for the proposed Rocky Mount Event Center

From facebook 

Posted by: 

Rocky Mount City Manager, Charles Penny, will present financing options for the proposed Event Center at the 2:00 PM City Council of the Whole Meeting March 24, 2014.

Click here to add to your calendar

Announcement made during the February 24, 2014 City Council Meeting

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Forward Together Moral Movement Goes to the

Will you join us?


Ride the bus or meet us there! 


     Register by Thursday, February 27th, 2014 by emailing Carolyn McDougal, 2nd Vice President of the North Carolina NAACP, 

at carolyn8@nc.rr.com.


     The NC NAACP will be sponsoring a bus leaving from Chapel Hill and stopping in Charlotte on Saturday, March 8th. We will return the following Sunday, March 9th. If you will be driving yourself but would like to stay in the hotel with the Forward Together Moral Movement, please register for a hotel with Carolyn McDougal and specify that you will not be taking the bus. 


Basic Trip Logistics

Bus Cost: $82 round trip

Hotel Cost: $87 for double occupancy


Forward Together, Not One Step Back!

East pointe to host community event

The church response to domestic violence

Friday, February 21, 2014

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Inquiry, What Happen to Subway?

subway-logoIt would seem that Downtown Rocky Mount last one of first business that open during the Dedication of the New Douglas Block. Yes Subway is no longer there. I guess they couldn’t make a go of it there..

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Notice a new door to door scam in Rocky Mount

If someone comes to your door "claiming" to be raising money for COOPERS FIRE DEPARTMENT Do NOT give him money. COOPERS is not raising money going door to door. Suspect is a male (can't give race or features as we will be called racist) driving a vehicle (can't give you the color or kind of that either because someone will call us being discriminatory).

From a facebook group

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Staged Reading of “Out in Left Field”

The Nash County Art Council will host a Staged reading of Out in the left field, by Marilynn Anselmi on Saturday March 29, at 7 pm. A suggested donations of $5 dollars goes to fund scholarships for the area youth. The public is invited to this event. So come on out and bring the family..

The Nash County Art Council is located at 100 E Washington St, Nashville, NC

Rocky Mount P-Flag to Meet this Tuesday the 18th.

The Local Chapter of P-Flag will hold it monthly meeting this Tuesday the 18 at 6 pm. The Meeting will be held at the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship building located at 516 N Church St.

The meeting will have a guest speaker from Equality NC, yes their communications Director Jen Jones. So if  you have nothing to do this Tuesday come on down to hear her speak.

Yes this is a bit of short notice.. but it will be a great meeting..

Friday, February 14, 2014

Someone in the RMT PD office have their thinking cap on..

small yellow signIt would seem that RMPD has decide to get those car thieves once and for all. Yes, and they have a plan. Which has been used in other cities across the US. What is it, and will it really work?

It would seem that RMPD will start using Bait Cars.. Yes Bait Cars to catch those car thieves.

Now you ask what is a Bait Car, here is the 411 on that.

A bait car, also called a hot car, is a vehicle used by law enforcement agencies to capture car thieves. The vehicles are modified, with features including GPS tracking and audio/video surveillance technology, and can be remotely monitored and controlled. A "kill switch" may be installed in the vehicle allowing police to remotely disable the engine and lock all doors from the inside, preventing escape.

The bait car, often filled with valuable items to draw attention to it, is parked in a high auto-theft area. In some cases, the vehicle may be simply left unlocked with the keys in the ignition. When the car is stolen, officers are immediately alerted, and can monitor the vehicle and send commands to control it such as disabling the engine, locking the doors or honking the horn. Live audio/video streaming devices may be installed allowing law enforcement personnel to determine how many suspects are in the car, what they are planning and if they are armed.

I hope this will work, but they (RMPD) need to go after some the car salvage yards owner too. There are a few in and near the City limits, who will take the car as junk and pay the person with out the person having a title or showing ID. Which is against the law, but these owners don’t care, cause the cops never charge them. Even after finding stolen cars and trucks on their lots

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Does Rocky Mount need to do something about the Crime in the City?

In Yesterday column of Speak up of the Rocky Mount Telegram so posted that it was so embarrassing to see the crime in certain area of the city. While the others are spending so much time talking about het propose Event Center.  

In the comment section race was attacked and that Knight and his people are to busy trying to establish a strong hold on the city affairs.

Early this week the City of Rocky Mount PD held “coffee with a cop.” Where citizens can have a frank decision about crime and other issues while drinking coffee at a local Hardee’s restaurant.

One reason why the crime is high in the city is that most of the officers turn a blind eye to crime. O, I know many will claim they don’t but I know this for a fact, I have seen myself.

The PD will profile and harass the young black men on the local street corner, but they won’t stop and question a man walking down the middle of Cokey road with a shopping cart with a 1 ton heating and cooling unit, a fireplace mantle, or a stainless steel kitchen sink. I call these men the home un-improvement crew.

These folks break into empty homes and clean them out, of any and everything they can, including copper pipes and wiring. Why doesn’t the RMPD stop and question these folks??

Monday, February 10, 2014

Why Doesn’t the City Council reply to email?

mailI sent an email to all City Council members concerning the Event Center I have yet to date receive any response. I have to wonder did my email get label as spam or is the council member just think it not their job to respond? 

Local Citizen says we need more Homeless Shelters than a Event Center

There continues to be all this controversy in the paper about this new project they are wanting to do in Rocky Mount in reference to the event center and the money it is going to cost.

Rocky Mount needs more shelters for the homeless.

We have a lot of people who are homeless.

The city should realign its focus to help the people in our community and not place any additional expenses on an event center that is not going to be used.

So doe this person have a point? Does Rocky Mount need more shelters to help end the homeless issue in our city.

How about taking that money and use it  to get more large industries to set up shop in our city. Over the last few decades RMT has lost many large companies, Hardees Corp offices, Fast Food Merchandising and Barcalounger Manufacturing Company.

One of the main reason why they left Rocky Mount was the high cost of Utilities..

It seem the only business that are setting up shop in RMT these day are  gas stations and fast-food shops.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

More land to be taken by Rocky Mount Council via Code Enforcement

a. 657 Beaman Street
b. 1605 Cherry Street
c. 1309 Cokey Road
d. 424 N. Discovery Street
e. 1564 Fountain Street
f. 1114 Hargrove Street
g. 622 Henry Street
h. 328 Kingston Avenue
i. 408 Mitchell Street
j. 726 Nashville Road
k. 234 Park Avenue
l. 740 Pender Street (Garage Only)
m. 513 E. Thomas Street
n. 608 South Tillery Street
o. 817 Tyan Street
p. 905/907 S. Washington Street (AKA 205 Hendricks Street)

The city has no money , but they do when a structure need to be torn down, they when the property owner can’t pay the city back they take the property.. 

Where is the Event Center to be Built?

In the city's proposal, they stated the surveyor noted 5 places where the event center could be built, but gave US no indication of what area.

A small community is searching these locations out, they think they might have found three location so far.

North_Church_Street,_Rocky_Mount,_NC_-_Google_Maps_-_2014-02-09_17.17.33First one is North Church Street, Rocky Mount, NC, right beside the New Sport Center, (aka the old airport) this would make a great fit..



800_East_Virginia_Avenue,_Rocky_Mount,_NC_-_Google_Maps_-_2014-02-09_17.15.56Second one is at 800 East Virginia Avenue, Rocky Mount, NC, now this one is problematic since this a park with a King Memorial in the center of it.



English_Road,_Rocky_Mount,_NC_-_Google_Maps_-_2014-02-09_17.13.34Third is English Road, Rocky Mount, NC right across Nash General Hospital off of Winstead Ave. which was recently widen by NCDOT.



Do you know of two more location??

35.943522,-77.789449_-_Google_Maps_-_2014-02-09_17.33.45I know of one..  this is right next-door to the recently public-private redevelopment project area known as the Douglas Block..



35.943522,-77.789449_-_Google_Maps_-_2014-02-09_17.36.52Could this be the future home of the Event Center??

Two Facebook Pages you need to follow if you live in Rocky Mount, NC

1510984_640487052679468_2027144310_nsee Facebook page here,






see Facebook page here,

Greater Joy Baptist Church to host G.A.N.G (guiding a non-violent generation awareness summit)

Greater Joy Baptist Church, in conjunction with Word Tabernacle Church, the City of Rocky Mount Police Department, God in My City and the NAACP will host a G.A.N.G. (Guiding a Non-Violent Generation) Awareness Summit.

According to Bishop Shelton C. Daniel, senior pastor for Greater Joy Baptist Church, the summit will provide an opportunity for the Rocky Mount Police Department to give citizens information relative to gangs.

“We are trying to take systematic approaches to combat some of the violence going on in our city. The Rocky Mount Police Department will do a complete seminar as to what to look for in relation to gangs, and will provide some solutions to the problem,” says Daniel. “We are specifically targeting ages 6 to 10 because according to the statistical data, that’s the age group gang members are also targeting.”

Greater Joy Baptist Church is located at 322 Anderson Street in Rocky Mount, N.C. For more information on the summit, call 252-442-0958.

FB event notice page here.

Rumors has it that Andre Knight might profit from the Event Center.

in a comment left on a story on Dailyhaymaker, a commenter levy the following,

Andre Knight continues use racist tactics to intimidate anyone who opposes him much the same way Barber does. Rumors are that Knight and a partner are buying up properties where the proposed “event center” will be built. He also does not live in the ward that he represents. This was brought to light a few years ago and even though it was proven that he did not live in his “bachelor pad” nothing was ever done to remove him. He and his cronies are the main reason Rocky Mount will never recover and grow no matter how much money they throw away down town. Who wants to go any where down there if you have to fear for your life every time you get out of your car.

If this is true then there is clear conflict of interest here.

Locals voice their concerns about the potential event center funding.

A new group called the Community Council has formed in Rocky Mount, which is focusing on the City’s plan to build a Event Center somewhere downtown. The group recently held it first (no media allowed) meeting this pass Wednesday (2/5) at the Braswell Library.

The topic was the Event Center cost and taxes.

Residents questioning the wisdom of building an event center in Rocky Mount are raising concerns that city officials will have to raise property taxes to cover its costs.

They said they are worried that possible other funding sources identified by a consulting firm would not generate anywhere near enough dollars to cover the annual debt and operating costs of the center.

And they said some of the potential funding options outlined in a report to the city by AECOM Technical Services out of Chicago aren’t feasible, or would require approvals from elected officials that aren’t likely. (Source: Read more)

A local Citizen had this to say,

meeting at the Library on Wednesday. Skip Carney secretary of the group was on FM 99.3 Thursday morning and he said the media was not invited. I called in and said although the media was not invited they could have attended. However anyone, don't have to be media, can record meetings held in a public facility and they are backed by The Open Meetings Law Statue.

I find it quite interesting this paper and WHIG-TV has not reported on the Wednesday's meeting. So what is going on? Is the group receiving special privilege? I know they can get it from WHIG-TV, but is it the case with this paper?

Since The Community Council said they wanted to educate the citizens, why did they not invite the media? Well my ignant opinion is they didn't want to expose who attended the meeting and didn't want to share what they talked about. SMDH!

He is correct members of media could have attended and took notes the old school way, pad and pen. After all the meeting was open to the public.  I guess today media don’t know how to do it “old school”, they are lost without their digital records and video cameras.

Now another person is also correct in there assessment of the Event Center,

If the event center is such a great idea, why hasn’t some private investor built one in Rocky Mount?

After all, we do have U.S. 64 and I-95.

Obviously it is not a good investment so there is not one private investor interested.

Why build an event center here?

So, is the Event Center a great ideal or just a waste of time and money?

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Rep Jeff Collins seeks 3rd Term

@TheWilsonTimes: State Rep. Jeff Collins seeks 3rd - and likely last - term: http://t.co/abxvv9hL1u #ncpol #ncga #ncgop @RepJeffCollins @NCGOP #RockyMountNC

Original Message:

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RMT State of the City Address

Rocky Mount Mayor David Combs will deliver the third annual State of the City Address, Mon., Feb.. 10, 2014 at 7 p.m. in the third floor George P. Dudley City Council Chamber of the Frederick E. Turnage Municipal Building (City Hall). The public is invited to attend.

Do we really need this, anyone who lives in Rocky Mount, NC knows how the city is doing,, it was once on the Rise, not it has flat lined..

Sunday, February 2, 2014

NCHouse Jeff Collins seek 3rd term

@TheWilsonTimes: State Rep. Jeff Collins seeks 3rd - and likely last - term: http://t.co/abxvv9hL1u #ncpol #ncga #ncgop @RepJeffCollins @NCGOP #RockyMountNC

Original Message:

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Community Council–Organizational Meeting


Braswell Memorial Library – Warner Meeting Room
727 N Grace St
Rocky Mount, NC 27804

February 5, 2013 at 5:30pm

Please join us for an informational meeting regarding the Community Council.  Learn more about our purpose and mission.  Opportunity to suggest future research and opportunity to volunteer.

Click here for a calendar link.

Facebook RSVP or Email RSVP to  info@TheCommunityCouncil

Please Like us on Facebook  -  http://www.facebook.com/TheCommunityCouncil.org

Please note the room cannot exceed 85 people and no press allowed.

Andre Knight hinted at the Location of the Event Center.

I hardly ever agree with the Civitas Group, but in this case I do.

from Civitas,

A previous Civitas blog post reported that Rocky Mount City Councilman and Witness Wednesday arrestee Andre Knight made comments which could easily be interpreted as calling a community leader a racist. This happened when that community leader was presenting a petition for the City of Rocky Mount to have a public hearing on whether or not the city should build a proposed Event Center downtown. Wait a minute there is more to the story.

In the meeting, which took place Jan. 13, there was a proposal put forth to approve $67,430 to include a study that would be run by Visions Inc. Senator Angela Bryant (D- Nash) runs this organization, and Rocky Mount City Councilman Lamont Wiggins is on the board. The Rocky Mount Telegram reported that “(t)he intent of the plan was to assist the city in recognizing the importance of a diverse workforce reflective of the community as much as possible allowing the city to better understand and respond to citizens,” said Assistant City Manager Ann Wall in a memorandum to City Manager Charles Penny. “The intent of the plan was also to establish a workplace which values employees and encourages their development.” The study was approved that night, since September of 2012 the City of Rocky Mount will have spent $413,220 just on studies for the City and for building of the proposed $43.6 million Event Center. Citizens in the community are beginning to become upset that the city is spending the taxpayers’ money not only to help a local Senator and City Councilman but to also build an Event Center that is of questionable value.

Another thing to look at about the Visions study that was approved was the fact that it passed the City Council with a voice vote. Some said “Aye”, no one said “No”, and no one recused themselves. If LaMont Wiggins is on the board for Visions Inc. wouldn’t it be a conflict of interest for him to vote on the approval of the study?

The City Council going by Civitas Is creating revenue from themselves and to hell with the Citizens of Rocky Mount.

In the Video Knight claims that Daughtridge’s biggest complaint is where the center will be built. Yet I have been told no location has be decide or approve yet. I guess once again the citizens of RMT will be the last to know.

Many of the citizens of RMT are upset about this spending for studies after studies for an Event Center which may or may not be in the best interest of the City. The group doing the studies have a clear cut conflict of interest, since one of it board members is also on the City Council.

Is this citizen correct,

justelladatruth says:

If you have to have that many "studies" done to see if it makes sense to go with the "event center" it's probably not a good idea. These people are just lining their pockets with money. They know exactly what they're doing. Somebody needs to stand up to these crooks and stop this crap. It's nothing but BS politics. The money put into the "event center" will never be recouped. Do the math! There is no way Rocky Mount will ever get a return on this. People on the board should not have any personal interest in these decisions. Andre Knight is the biggest racist around, so both black & white need to look at the whole picture here.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Blood Drive in Rocky Mount, NC

redcross-300x300On February 14, 2014 at 10:30 am the American Red Cross will hold a Blood Drive at the Braswell Memorial Library, in the Warner Meeting Room. So Please come out and give blood, Help save a life.

1 pint of blood can save up to 3 lives.. Rare blood types are in demand..

However Blood typed O is mostly needed since it can be giving to the other four types Recipient..

So if you have a rare blood, please give blood, you might just save a life..

Braswell Memorial Library
727 N Grace St
Rocky Mount, NC 27804

Rocky Mount Event Center next Step


Via the Rocky Mount Government FB page.

Question asked,

When will the next community Meeting concern the Event Center be held?


No community meeting has been scheduled. The next step will be the presentation of a financial plan in March. An agenda will be posted on the City's website closer to that date.

So does this mean that the community of Rocky Mount will or will not get it’s chance to air their opinion on this project.

Butterfield’s Statement on President Obama’s State of the Union Address

For Release:  Immediate

Date:  January 28, 2014

Contact: Kezmiché “Kim” Atterbury            

             Office: (202) 225.3101               

Butterfield’s Statement on President Obama’s State of the Union Address

WASHINGTON, DC – Congressman G. K. Butterfield (NC-01) released the following statement regarding tonight’s State of the Union address:

“Tonight, President Obama unveiled a bold agenda to create and expand opportunity for all Americans.  In his speech, he touched on the pervasiveness of income inequality caused by stagnant minimum wages, shrinking access to education, and limited opportunities for upward mobility.

“The top 1 percent of American households earn above $394,000 each year, while the top 50 percent only earn $35,000 each year.  And those living in extreme poverty earn even less.

“In my congressional district alone, one in four people live in poverty, including 73,000 children.  We have the highest unemployment rate of all congressional districts in North Carolina, yet last year Governor Pat McCrory and the General Assembly caused the state’s long term unemployed to go without federal emergency unemployment insurance.

“So I applaud the President for reiterating his desire to work with Congress to raise the federal minimum wage and immediately boost 4.6 million Americans out of poverty.  I am pleased the President will also, through Executive Order, raise the minimum wage to $10.10 per hour for people working under new federal contracts.  But it cannot stop there.  Swift and decisive action needs to be taken on other poverty-reduction measures such as passing an extension to unemployment insurance, reforming the tax code, and investing in job creation and training programs.

“I am hopeful that the President’s speech marks the beginning of a long and sustained effort to address Americans everyday challenges.  I look forward to working with my colleagues to move the President’s agenda forward and create opportunity for all.”


Should the citizens of Rocky Mount vote on the Planned Event Center?

From Rocky Mount Telegram,

One Citizen had this to say,

There should be a referendum for every taxpayer to have a vote before any decision is made on spending $40 million of our hard earned money.

If the citizens vote in majority for the event center, then build it. If we vote against the event center, then this should be the decision made by the council.

We are supposed to live in a democratic society with leaders voting on the will of the people, not dictating to us their wishes.

Does this person have point, Yes he does, the propose Event Center should be voted on by the citizens of Rocky Mount, since it would mean that the City would have to buy the property that would be need or use eminent domain to require that land that would be need.

RMT Pflag Event

A Staged Reading of Out in Left Field, a play by Lela Chesson, will be directed by Marilynn Anselmi on Saturday, March 29, 7 p.m., at Nash Arts Center in Nashville. Donations to PFLAG-RM ($5 suggested) will fund scholarships for area youth. The public is invited.